List Harga Prewedding


ECONOMIC A : RP 500.000 : Studio Only 25 Files 10 edit (for invitation card)

ECONOMIC B : RP 1.000.000 : Files Only, Limited Service (hanya di dalam kota)

PACKAGE BRONZE / CASUAL : Rp. 1.700.000,-
• Maksimal 3 jam pemotretan + 10 foto Indoor (2 lokasi, 1 fotografer & 1 asisten)
• 10 foto infrared
• 22 foto full editing
• 1 Wedding Book album sambung (16 * 22) 20 Halaman + Laminasi Anti Gores
• DVD isi semua file foto & behind the scene

PACKAGE SILVER (Best Seller) : Rp. 2.600.000,-
• Maksimal 6 jam pemotretan (3 lokasi, 1 fotografer & 1 asisten) + 1 jam indoor, Unlimited shoot, Unique Concept
• 30 foto full editing
• 15 foto infrared edit
• 1 Wedding Book album sambung (20x30cm) 22 Halaman + Laminasi Anti Gores
• 3 Foto panorama 2 / 3 lipatan
• DVD isi semua file foto dan behind the scene
• Make up & hair do standard
• gaun pengantin dan jas standard (tidak berlaku untuk makassar & Bali)

PACKAGE GOLD : Rp. 4.500.000,-
• 2 hari pemotretan (3 lokasi, 2 fotografer & 1 asisten+ 1 stylist profesional ) + 2 jam indoor
• 20 foto Infrared, unique concept
• 40 foto full editing + 5 photo classic
• 1 Wedding Book album (30*40cm) 20 Halaman + Laminasi Anti Gores
• 6 Foto panorama 2 / 3 Lipatan
• DVD isi semua file foto
• cetak canvas 20 R 1 foto terpilih
• DVD video clip (behind the scene) & Videografer
• Make up & hair do professional
• gaun pengantin + Jas exclusive from Pella Pa

Video Klip prewedding Mulai IDR 1.000.000
paket custom tergantung permintaan client..


IDR 6.000.000
include tax, album 20x30cm
- marina bay, universal studio, china town DLL
(portfolio ada di album prewedding)

Timor Leste

additional item ;
Make up + hair do + gown : RP 800.000 (KUPANG)
Make-up & hair do professional Makassar : mulai 300.000
mobil pengantin / transport prewed : 500.000/12 jam (bensin + sopir)

Album tambahan : 6 R 400.000, 20 R 1 Jt, new design + 500.000
x - banner : 250 X 80 = RP 300.000
x Banner : 160 X 60 : Rp 230.000

tersedia : Invitation card exclusive dan unik

Contact Us : 

Ray Rammang & Associates
beyond Sulawesi, bali & Nusa Tenggara

Alan Lingu Cessar (Lingu|photograph); 'Ray Rammang; Ray Rammang & Associates

@Ray_Rammang; @alhiandra

HandPhone : 0852 5508 2345 (Ray); 0853 4070 8884 (Alan)
PIN       : 312D5BF9 (Ray); 30D4C5D3 (Alan)

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